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Year 8

Welcome to Year 8! Croseo I flwyddyn 8!

My name is Mr McGaw and I am the class teacher for year 8. Within our classroom, we also have Mr Davies and Miss Jarmin as our teaching assistants as part of our teaching team. As a team, we aim to provide as much support and care on a daily basis for all our students. In year 8 we aim to be the best we can be every day. We want out students to be become ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives. Year 8 is a great platform for secondary school learning and offers many exciting topics and activities throughout the academic year.

In year 8 we are always aiming to follow the school expectations, whilst making valuable contributions in lessons every day. We have an exciting curriculum that offers our students a variety of different subjects, to allow them to become more educated and well informed about different topics from Wales, but also the world. In Year 8, we strive to develop skills which will help support our students in everyday life, but also enhance these skills moving forward into the future. We use the Curriculum for Wales within our lesson, with the 4 purposes a focal point for everything we want to achieve. In year 8, we are advocates for pupil voice in aiding how we learn and what they want to study. We believe students should feel safe, secure and heard in Year 8, and that’s why pupil voice is so important.

Every day is different in year 8. We are constantly evolving in our lessons and want students to be curious about the topics that they learn. We want our students to push themselves academically whilst exploring potentials for physical, mental, social and emotional growth. Students will study under 6 different subject areas, each focusing on a different aspect of school life and skills. Students will study:

  • Language, Literature & Communication
  • Mathematics & Numeracy
  • Humanities
  • Science & Technology
  • Expressive Arts
  • Health & Wellbeing.

In year 8, we are excited to teach our students different topics and help them become more ethically informed citizens. With such a wide range of opportunities, we feel that all of our students have can become enterprising, creative contributors, who are ready to play a full part in life and at work. In year 8, we also have the opportunity to go explore outside of school, with visits to Bryn Bach embedded within or curriculum. This allows our students to become healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

This year we have an exciting range of different topics that will hook, engage and allow our year 8 students to grow in confidence. Literacy and numeracy are at the heart of our topics, so will be constantly challenging our students to progress in both of these areas. Our starting topics for this year will be ‘What makes a Human?’. This topic is going to encourage our students to delve deeper about what it means to be a human, to explore different themes and how being a human is very unique and special thing.

I am delighted to be leading year 8 this year and can’t wait for each student to make progress in this coming academic year. As a team, we look forward to seeing our students flourish as Individuals       but also as a year group.

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to ask. We are all here to ready to help.