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Dosbarth Coch

Welcome to Dosbarth Coch/Croeso i Ddosbarth Coch.

I am Miss Weston, the class teacher and Mrs Edwards is our teaching assistant. There are currently four pupils in our class.  We understand that every child is different and each one brings their own personality and strengths to our class.   

Our class is built around a nurturing environment and is always lively and busy. We use the Curriculum for Wales to provide a holistic approach to teaching and learning. The four core purposes are at the heart of everything we do. Our aim is to promote ambitious capable learners through providing engaging activities that encourage our children to learn through tapping into their interests. We aim to provide learning through real life and hands-on experiences by welcoming in visitors and through attending trips and outings. Incidental Welsh is incorporated into the daily life of our classroom. We use technology, like iPads to research and present information.  

We support our children to become enterprising, creative contributors, by allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills to create their own ideas. We encourage our children to develop the confidence to use their own imagination and actively take part in role-play activities. We want our children to ‘have a go’ attitude and not be fearful of trying new things. We have a daily ‘check-in’ with our children to share feelings and listen to others. 

For our children to become ethical, informed citizens we encourage them to think and reflect on the choices they make. They are encouraged to self-assess their own work by using Mr Men stickers.  We have litter picking days and discuss the importance of recycling and reusing to reduce waste in our environment.  We use the local area and wider community to help them learn about their locality. We attend the local library and enjoy using the facilities at Bryn Bach Park.  

To develop healthy, confident individuals, we explore strategies to promote positive relationships, through playing games and working together. We aim for our children to be independent and encourage them to do things for themselves, like cutting up their own food at lunchtime. We want our children to learn from their mistakes and handle the disappointment of losing in a game. Every day we aim to be physically active. We take part in a daily mile walk. We have movement breaks and planned exercise, like riding bikes, yoga sessions or basketball. We advocate healthy eating and enjoy breakfast on arrival at school and a snack of fruit mid-morning. We take part in activities that promote well-being, like breathing exercises, hand massage and sand play.  We look at the workings of the brain and use the hand model of the brain to help our children understand why they do the things they do.