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Autumn Term 2023

We started our term with the theme, Is Space the Final Frontier? In this topic we looked at all things space including the planets, the space race and the history of NASA. We learnt about the evolution of rockets through time, created flight timelines, researched facts about all 8 planets and made some fantastic galaxy art.

We did lots of space themed cooking this term including Mars brownies, rock cakes and space pizzas. As a class we decided that Hidden Figures the movie would be the best and most entertaining way to learn and engage with this topic rather than a class novel. A popular choice between pupils and staff! Not only did this teach us lots of important historical information on NASA and the space race, but also provided us with a key insight into the racial and gender equality struggles that occurred in the 60’s.

To celebrate Halloween, we had great fun and enjoyment carving pumpkins.

In the second part of the summer term, we changed our topic to, Is it All in the Mix?

During this topic, pupil voice played a massive part in the direction we took as a class for our learning. We decided that this topic would heavily focus on emotions and how colours represent them. Naturally, the perfect learning stimulus was the movie Inside Out. This formed the bases of our enquiries for the term, as we study why emotions are associated with certain colours? Why do we feel certain emotions? How can we deal with our mixed emotions when we become overwhelmed? We also explored a lot of colour blending and mixing in Expressive Arts, using different mediums, such as, pencils, paints and pastels. Perhaps are most enjoyable activity of this term was making mocktails are part of using our measuring skills in maths.

Throughout this term we have had the privilege to go on an outdoor educational provision with Bryn Bach Park every Thursday. The pupils have absolutely loved taking part in the activities. Which include, rock climbing, bouldering, raft building, paddle boarding, go karting, mini golf and team building exercises. We have learnt some many new skills and hope to continue to work towards are Level 1 accreditation in climbing and paddle sports in the new year!