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Summer 2023

Finance, Saving, Investing, and Entrepreneurial Skills

We've learned about the importance of financial literacy and how to make smart financial decisions. We've also explored the different ways to save and invest money, and even had the opportunity to start our own businesses.

Teamwork, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Listening

We've learned the importance of working together as a team, and how to think critically and solve problems. We've also developed our communication and listening skills, which are essential for success in the workplace.

The Chill Zone

On Fridays, we have a reward session called "The Chill Zone" where we can play games and interact with each other. This is a great way to relax and de-stress after a long week of school.

Coding and Minecraft Education

We've learned to code and build a community through Minecraft Education. This has been a fun and engaging way to learn about computer science and problem-solving.

We've had a great year learning about the world of work, and we're excited to use what we've learned to make smart decisions about our future.

Stay tuned for more updates from Year 9!